
Thursday, 11 January 2018

First Semester here

Semester pertama dan kali pertama belajar sambil bekerja. Agak takut nak mulakan masa awal semester haritu. Dalam sedar tak sedar 3 Februari 2018 ialah tarikh first paper iaitu Makroekonomi (EPPD1023). How time flies fuhhhhh debor dia tu lain macam!

So, semester ni ada 5 subjek yg aku patut ambil. Tapi dapat pengecualian untuk subjek Marketing. 3 ada final dan 1 takde final. Aku kagum jugak dengan pensyarah yg datang setiap minggu Sabtu / Ahad untuk mengajar kami. Sanggup mengajar dan meninggalkan keluarga demi keutamaan ilmu pada kami. Aku hargai setiap pengorbanan tu! Terima kasih cikgu :)

Aku nak kenalkan pensyarah aku untuk semester kali ni.
(Maaf saya ambil gambar ni di ifolio ye πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ)

Pensyarah Makroekonomi (EPPD1023)

Pensyarah Hak Asasi Manusia (LMCR2152) - Separuh Minggu Awal

Pensyarah Hak Asasi Manusia (LMCR2152) - Separuh Minggu Akhir

Takde gambar dekat ifolio pulak πŸ˜”
Pensyarah Matematik untuk Ekonomi & Perniagaan (EPPD1043) - Separuh Minggu Awal

Pensyarah Matematik untuk Ekonomi & Perniagaan  (EPPD1043) Separuh Minggu Akhir

Pensyarah Aplikasi Komputer (EPPD1063)

Tak minang lah kalau tak makan SATAY MINANG

Post title kalini mcm pelik kan? Heee tak pelik lah. Nad ada lah darah minang sikit sebab belah ayah memang keturunan minangkabau dan arwah nenek pun memang pure cakap minang. Nad tak reti cakap pun and kalau diorg bercakap, faham tu sikit-sikit nak cakap tu tak berapa reti πŸ˜‚

Satay minang emmm anyone pernah makan? Nad first try makan satay minang ni masa adik no 4 bawak balik. Beli kt kedai kawan dia katanya. Mak dia yg masak sendiri. Dia pun terjebak pergi join kerja cucuk satay masa cuti sekolah haritu -.-

First try haritu mmg impressed gila! πŸ’• Sebab mmg sedap hehehe. Dia lain dari satay biasa tau. Kuah dia pun bukan mcm kuah kacang biasa. Ada pedas-pedas sikit. Ayam dan daging pun lagi liat tp senang je makan. Rasa perapan tu pun mmg totally lain. Nasi impit dia buat sendiri. Nad yg bukan penggemar nasi impit ni pun suka nasi impit yg dekat satay minang ni. Bak kata abang kt VitDaily Media "padu babe! kuah dia pekat mmg padu"

You guys should try okay? πŸ’‹

Tengok lah dutdut sayang Nad ni makan memang berselera πŸ’‹πŸ˜

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

My kind of Sambal Tempoyak Ikan Bilis

Okay masak lagi πŸ˜— Semalam sampai je rumah, "kakak tolong masak sambal tempoyak". Okayyy mak memang suka masak time-time kita balik kerja ekkk. Sebabnya rendang ayam dah habisssss zassss cepat betul habis. 2 ekor kot. Bagi nenek, bagi maklong paksu makan sekali. Baiklah kakak masak.

This simple dish is taught by my beloved grandmother. Our style is very simple and until now I cook based on her style and sometime my maklong. Maklong also learnt from wan πŸ˜‚

Here we go a very easy dish and you can eat them after 20-30 minutes only:



Tadaaaa siap! :)

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

My own style Rendang Ayam Pucuk Ubi

Semalam si kakak terlebih rajin nak masak bekal untuk adik bawak bekal g kerja dan sekali gus mak tak payah masak tengahari dan mungkin tak payah masak untuk dinner sbb baru balik kerja shift malam. Sampai adik dutdut tanya "kenapa tetiba rajin ni? tak penat ke?". Alahai adik, kakak rajin jangan tanya tau. Dia rajin tolong basuh bekas lepas masak, tolong kupas bawang. Sayang kamu! Kakak terlebih rajin juga buat kerja renyah ambik gambar one by one bahan-bahan dan cara-caranya. 
Here we go :)

Bahan-bahan yg takde dlm gambar:
1. Asam keping
2. Garam
3. Gula
4. Santan (perah lah kelapa dapat lah santan πŸ˜…)

Do good, to get good

Today's post is more to something that I think is a must. I don't know why but it suddenly came into my mind. Have you ever think that any bad things happened to you must be for a reason? And I am pretty sure that it must be for your own good isn't it? Allah will give you something you will never expect. To be treat nicely and kindly by others, we need to treat others in a good way first right? No matter what. I think this is very basic.

"What you give, you will get back"

Ever heard of this quote?

Allah dah cakap. Kalau kita nak manusia sayang kita, kita sayang manusia dulu. Nak org buat baik dgn kita, kita buat baik dgn org dulu etc. Allah dah cakap dah.

Remember this one thing. Never put any expectation on people. Never expect people to repay for everything that you've done for them bacause you will end up feeling dissapointed and sad and useless . But not Allah for He is the most generous and kind. Those hopes and expectations must be put solely on God.

Don't worry. Don't be mad. Keep it to yourself. Who knows Allah wants to reward you with something better or He wants you to be more patient in anything that happened. Stay positive and calm people. I know I'm not that good to talk about this kind of thing. Let us together strive to be a better version of ourselves πŸ’–

Monday, 8 January 2018

Perkongsian coretan kehidupan

Harini, mak hantar satu cerita yg baik utk aku kongsi dgn kalian 😍

Ada seorang anak yg setiap hari rajin ke masjid, lalu suatu hari dia berkata kepada ayahnya, "Yah mulai hari ini saya tidak mau ke masjid lagi"

"Kenapa?", sahut ayahnya, "kerana di masjid saya tengok orang2 yg nampak agamawan tapi sebenarnya tidak, ada yg sibuk dgn gadgetnya, sementara yang lain dok cerita keburukan orang lain".

Ayahnya pun berpikir sejenak dan berkata, "baiklah kalau begitu, tapi ada satu syarat yang harus kamu lakukan setelah itu terserah kamu"

"Apa itu?" ,
"ambillah air satu gelas penuh, lalu bawa keliling masjid, ingat jangan sampai ada air yang tumpah"

Si anak pun membawa segelas air keliling masjid dengan hati2, hingga tak ada setitis air pun yang tumpah.

Sesampai di rumah ayahnya bertanya, "Bagaimana sudah kau bawa air itu keliling masjid?", "Sudah".

"Ada yg tumpah?", "Tidak".

"Ada di masjid tadi orang yang sibuk  dengan gadgetnya?".

"Saya tidak tahu kerana pandangan saya hanya tertumpu pada gelas ini", jawab si anak.

"Ada di masjid tadi orang2 yang menceritakan keburukkan orang lain?" tanya ayahnya lagi, " Saya tidak dengar kerana saya hanya  tertumpu untuk menjaga air dalam gelas ini".

Ayahnya pun tersenyum lalu berkata, "Begitulah kehidupan anakku, jika kamu fokus pada tujuan hidupmu, kamu tidak akan punya waktu untuk menilai keburukkan orang lain. Jangan sampai kesibukanmu menilai kualiti orang lain membuatmu lupa akan kualiti dirimu".

Mari kita berhenti bersangka buruk kepada insan lain.fokus pada diri sendiri dalam beribadah, bekerja dan utk terus menerus menjadi positif.

*Semoga kita menjadi lebih baik dan lebih bermanfaat.*

*Robbana Taqobbal Minna*
Ya Allah terimalah dari kami (amalan kami), AAMIIIN.....

Peringatan utk diri sendiri sebenarnya because I know I'm not perfect πŸ˜“

Saturday, 6 January 2018

Kasihnya ibu

I still remember back then when my sister was having an operation because of her appendicitis. It was on january 2009 and she was 13 at that time. I don't know how much it cost for that operation to take place but im pretty sure it cost my mom lots of money. And do you want to know how my mom paid for it? "Tolak je dari gaji saya". I keraiiiiii guysss 😭

That's just a bit of how my mom is. She just wants the best for her kids. That's just one thing that i know. What about those that i don't know that only God knows ?

Sometimes, gaduh je dgn mak. Tak sehaluan lah, merajuk lah etc. Then a senior once told me this.

"Mcm mana marah pon kita dekat mak, marah mak dekat kita lagi besar bahaya nya"

Sebab dia mak. We already knew how big her saccrifices are. We already knew how much money and time she spent for us. And we knew how much of sin we've committed if we are not being a good child to her. I love you mak πŸŒΈπŸ’‹πŸ’•

Friday, 5 January 2018

All the way from Vietnam

Harini saya nak invite korg untuk usha 1 page facebook yg menawarkan barang-barang dari Vietnam !!! πŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ» Memang menarik! 😍 Sbb mcm mcm ada. Kain cotton, beg, lace, blouse dan mcm mcm lagi. Jgn risau sbb barang mmg original dari Vietnam. Korg boleh view link  dan utk lebih details korg boleh wasap owner sendiri ☝🏻
Don’t worry. Owner is a trusted seller and you can nego with her to buy goods in bulk also πŸ’•
You guys can get the best price in town with lots of love. No regrets! 🀞🏻
Dekat bawah ni ada sedikit gambar nak bg korg meleleh ayaq liur 😜

Thursday, 4 January 2018

My Love of Life :)

What kind of "love" do you think in this post's title? Hehe. It's my family! πŸ’˜

This is our family photo during first Aidilfitri 2017

I am the first daughter in the family with 1 sister and 3 little brothers (not very little because everyone seems bigger than me and I'm the smallest) hahahaha *pity me okay* 😭

So, my father look fierce is it? Me as a daughter said the same thing tho. He is turning 52 years old this year. My beautiful and happy go lucky mother is a nurse. She work in the labor room to ensure all little cute babies were delivered safely in this world. I do respect her job. She is turning 50 years old this year. My parents got married on 24/11/1994 (24 years been together through thick and thin). I hope it will be forever 😘

My crazy, brilliant sister is 22 years old this year. She currently further her study in Manchester taking Bachelor in Mathematics with KPM scholarship. She used to be my "twin" when we were small because mom always bought the same dress for us. She always want what I used to have and same goes to me tho πŸ˜‚

My 1 little brother turning 20 years old this year. Ahmad Fahmi is his name. Ahmad Najmi is my second little brother. He is turning 17 years old this year and my dutdut which is the last brother, Ahmad Zulasri is turning 14 years old this year. I do love them because this kakak always asked for their help in anything hehehe and they usually will do it even though forced muehehehe 😜

My family is an average family. We do live our life to the fullest. I hope that our relationship will long lasting till the end of my life πŸ’•

Hi 2018!

2018.. Yes this is my first post for 2018. It has been the third day of 2018. I believe everyone will have their own target and goals to achieve this year. Same goes to me. Nothing much could I aim for rather than to be a better me ; a better muslimah, daughter, friend, family member, student, employee and a better person for everyone πŸ˜‡

I believe that 2018 will be more challenging and for sure it will be totally different from 2017. 2017 Allah test me in many ways. He gave me lots of things ; good health, lots of rezk, a job, an education  and many other things that others don't have which sometimes (okay, not sometimes) I forgot to say Alhamdulillah ✨

I believe in 2018, He will give me more tests which will be tougher and harder than before and I believe He will not test me something that I am not capable of. InsyaAllah there will be a sweetness in everything He gave. Something that I think bad for me but actually good for me that only He knows it 🌈